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Lab Alumni

Dark Steel Sheet


Misha Hasan (BME)

Misha was a biomedical engineering student at the University of Victoria. She undertook an Honour's Thesis with the lab where she is studying available musculoskeletal models made to model amputee gait and to assess their validity for studying female participants.

Dazzling Light


Hannah Richards (BME)

Hannah was a biomedical engineering student at the University of Victoria. She undertook an Honour's Thesis with the lab where she validated a computational technique developed to improve the quality of finite element models that was recently developed in the lab through comparison of its results to experimental testing data. 

Neon Lights


Jocelyn Mackey (BME)

Jocelyn was a biomedical engineering student at the University of Victoria. She undertook an Honour's Thesis with the lab where she validated a computational technique to assess surgical cutting guides that was recently developed in the lab through comparison of its results to experimental testing data. 

Abstract Blue Light


Pavlos Silvestros, PhD, BSc (Hons)

Pavlos was a Post Doctoral research fellow at the OT&B Lab from April 2022 to September 2023. His work was focussed on developing a patient specific surgical assistance tool to improve reverse shoulder replacement outcomes. After receiving his undergraduate from the University of Bath (United Kingdom) in 2017 he continued on to obtain his doctorate in cervical spine injury mechanism analysis, funded by the RFU IPF, where he developed a biomechanical framework to help drive pragmatic data driven sport policy decisions regarding player safety.  His research interests and expertise combine experimental (in-vivo and in-vitro) with computational methods to complement each other in order to investigate complex biomechanical problems relating to orthopaedics and injury. Specifically, this includes the collection of kinematic and dynamic experimental data to develop and validate musculoskeletal models used in dynamic biomechanical simulations and optimisations to support the design of clinical techniques, constructs and injury reduction strategies. Outside of work Pavlos is an avid rugby player who enjoys cycling and the outdoors, cooking and travelling.  

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Asees Kaur, BEng (Mech)

Asees completed her Bachelor's degree a Mechanical Engineering at the University of Victoria. She worked in the lab on studying Patient-Specific Finite Element Modeling of shoulder implants and the development of a method to create FE models from statistical model data.



Colin Day, BEng (BME)

Colin completed a BEng in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Victoria. He undertook the development of a custom upper limb dynamometer to assess patients recovering from stroke and nerve injuries.



Azita Sharif, MASc (Mech)

Prior to joining the OT&B lab, Azita received her BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Tehran. During this time she worked as a research assistant at the Center of Advanced Systems and Technologies at the University of Tehran. There, she focused on robotics and biomechanics, completing a thesis titled "Force-Velocity Control of an Upper-Arm Limb Exoskeleton Robot." Azita completed her MASc with the OT&B lab in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Victoria conducting biomechanics research under the supervision of Dr. Giles. Specifically, Azita developed Statistical Shape Models of the shoulder bones that forms the basis for Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty modeling. After completing her MASc, Azita has taken a job with Stryker. In her leisure time, Azita likes to read poems and novels. Her favorite hobbies are hiking and biking in beautiful Victoria. Photo by Jena Bjola Photography



Hooman Shirzadi, MEng (Mech)

Hooman completed an MEng with the OT&B lab, where he used Finite Element methods to investigate questions related to complex cases of Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. His previous research focused on computationally and empirically investigating the biomechanics of the human eye during blunt trauma as a result of airbag deployment. In his free time, Hooman enjoys reading, running, bike riding, playing volleyball, and hiking with friends on the many beautiful trails Vancouver Island has to offer. ResearchGate, LinkedInPhoto by Jena Bjola Photography



Carson Studders, BEng (Mech)

Carson is a graduate of the University of Victoria's Mechanical Engineering undergraduate program, and was  involved with the OT&B lab since he was hired as an NSERC USRA-funded biomechanics co-op student in 2019. He was a full time research associate focused on Musculoskeletal modeling research between September 2020 and April 2021. He now works for Arbutus Medical. Photo by Jena Bjola Photography

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Sophie Kirk, BEng (Mech)

Sophie is a graduate of the University of Victoria's Mechanical Engineering undergraduate program, and worked in the OT&B lab from Fall 2020 to Spring 2021 as a full time research associate focused on Musculoskeletal modeling research. 



Delaney Haugan, BEng (BME)

Delaney is a graduate of the University of Victoria's Biomedical Engineering undergraduate program, and joined the OT&B lab in Summer 2020 as an Honour's Thesis student. Delaney worked as a full time research associate between Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 focused on using Finite Element Modeling to investigate clinical questions relating to complex Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty. 



Harrison Fletcher

Harrison completed an electrical engineering degree at the University of Victoria. After conducting his fourth year design project within the Orthopaedic Technologies & Biomechanics Lab, Harrison continued developing the device towards a clinically viable tool as a part-time member of the lab. LinkedIn

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Evan Stefanek

Evan was a biomedical engineering student at the University of Victoria. He was one of two students undertaking a co-op within the lab developing a custom upper limb dynamometer to assess patients recovering from stroke and nerve injuries in Fall 2019.



Isabela Chavez

Isabela studies mechatronics engineering at Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico and joined the OT&B lab as a MITACS student in Summer 2019. She is interested in biomedical research, particularly in processing biological signals and controlling biomechanisms. She worked to integrate new sensor technology into one of our medical devices in development.

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Octave Guinebretiere

Octave was a student at the Grenoble Institute of Technology in France studying signal image communication in multimedia. He chose to study in this discipline due to a longstanding interest in biomedical imaging and research and dedication to improving medical diagnoses and patient care. His work as a MITACS student in Summer 2019 supervised by Dr. Giles was related to statistical modelling and imaging. Octave spends most of his free time with friends and family, doing sports like rock climbing and running, watching TV shows and movies, cooking, and travelling.


Jena Bjola Photography

Emma Darby

Emma joined the lab as a co-op student during the third year of her undergraduate degree in biomedical engineering. Her research interests and activities pertained to experimental biomechanics specific to reverse shoulder arthroplasty. To conduct these experimental tests she developed and used an advanced testing systems. In her free time in the summer, Emma enjoys spending outdoors biking and hiking, and in the winter spends her time skiing. Photo by Jena Bjola Photography


Jena Bjola Photography

Timothy Lee

Tim's honours thesis with Dr. Giles related to software development. He is an electrical engineering student graduating in 2020. Photo by Jena Bjola Photography

Fibre Optics


Sukhi Singh

Sukhi was a biomedical engineering student involved with the lab between May 2018 and October 2019. While with the lab he pioneered the development a novel biomedical device with a wide range of applications, particularly in injury rehabilitation. In summer 2019 he began conducting biomechanics and medical robotics research abroad at Imperial College London (London, UK). Outside of the lab, Sukhi enjoys practicing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, watching live music, and socializing with friends and colleagues.

Our lab's infrastructure, research and students are funded by:

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Victoria

3800 Finnerty Road

Victoria BC  V8P 5C2

We acknowledge and respect the lÉ™k̓ʷəŋən peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

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