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Research Study - Participant Recruitment Information
22-0692: Studying Sex Differences in Transtibial Amputee Gait

Study Purpose

This research aims to study:

  1. differences in how males and females with below-knee amputations walk.

  2. differences in how people with below-knee amputations walk versus people that are able-bodied (i.e., without an amputation).​


Volunteers will contribute to a study that is conducting sex and gender-based research, aiming to improve quality of life and healthcare outcomes for people with lower limb amputations.

Study Details

Involvement is in-person at the University of Victoria.


Participation includes:

  • completing an in-person gait study at the University of Victoria. 

  • participants will complete standard gait assessments over force plates while cameras record their movement.

    • level ground walking trials

    • incline and decline walking trials across a 7deg ramp


Time commitment is maximum 4 hours.


You will be compensated for you time.

Eligibility Criteria - Amputee  

To be eligible, one must:


  • have a single (unilateral), below-knee amputation (between ankle and knee), 

  • have the ability to walk with their prosthesis around their household and community, 

  • be at least 1 year post-amputation,

  • be comfortable reading and speaking in English, 

  • be comfortable making decisions on their own behalf, 

  • be between the ages of 19 and 90 years old,


  • not require use of a mobility aid (e.g., cane) for level ground walking,

  • not have an osseointegrated prosthetic implant, and

  • not have any other condition that severely affects their ability to walk. (Examples include: severe joint disease, Parkinsonisms, neurological disorder with residual motor deficit)​

Eligibility Criteria - Able-Bodied

To be eligible, one must:


  • be able-bodied (i.e., have no significant physical mobility challenges or impairments),

  • be comfortable reading and speaking in English, 

  • be comfortable making decisions on their own behalf, 

  • be between the ages of 19 and 90 years old,


  • not require use of a mobility aid (e.g., cane) for level ground walking,

  • not be currently pregnant, and

  • not have any other condition that severely affects their ability to walk. (Examples include: severe joint disease, Parkinsonisms, neurological disorder with residual motor deficit)​

How to Get Involved

If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please contact:​


Principal Investigator​



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